Tell Congress to

Protect Public Schools

Stop Private School Vouchers

Keep Public Funds in Public Schools

Some Members of Congress want to sneak a $100 billion private school voucher program into a priority tax package aimed at cutting taxes. The Educational Choice for Children Act would create a national, federal voucher program and funnel $10 billion per year in taxpayer money to private schools and families who homeschool.

Please send an urgent message today telling your Members of Congress that you oppose private school vouchers and support public funds for public schools.

Little girl smiling

Join the Fight

Stop Congress from redirecting $100 billion to private schools.

Learn how you can help defeat this proposal.

Take Action

Oppose the Educational Choice for Children Act – Protect Public Education and Ensure Fair Access for All Students!

The Educational Choice for Children Act (HR 817, HR 833, S. 292) is a proposal that would send $100 billion in taxpayer money to private schools and families who homeschool. This proposal is fiscally irresponsible, enables student discrimination, undermines local control of education, and would severely damage public schools that educate 90% of American children.

Boy high-fiving classmates
Group of Happy Students

About Us

We Support Public Schools and Oppose Private School Vouchers

Founded in 1978, the National Coalition for Public Education supports public schools and opposes the funneling of public money to private and religious schools through vouchers, tuition tax credits, education savings accounts, and portability.